August 30, 2010

Movie Poster Monday: Burlesque

Am I crazy about this poster? No. I would say it's the least terrible new poster I've seen this week, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Whoever designed it knows their audience. People who will see Burlesque want Cher and Christina front and center and looking fabulous. And they do, although the pictures are blown out to be almost unrecognizable - bold features on a stark white background. But then again, they are both quite iconic and recognizable women, so it works. It reminds me, Christina especially, of old-school Liza Minnelli graphics (like the Warhol portrait and one other image that I can't seem to find). I'm sure that's intentional, particularly to tie this film back to Cabaret. The more I look at this poster, actually, the more I like it. It's kind of gaudy and tacky and reminiscent of a higher-class Showgirls, but it's also kind of brilliant in its unapologetic campiness - I'm hoping I will be able to describe the film in the exact same way.

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