July 31, 2010

Friday Round-Up

Almost forgot about my Friday Round-Up this week (I think I was optimistic with my prediction that the new features would last a whole week). I don't have a whole lot to report. I watched Broadway Danny Rose, which was another of my Dad's suggestions for my little Woody Allen project. He says it's his favorite of Allen's films, but I wasn't impressed. I didn't hate it; I think I just found it slow and uneventful. I wasn't super impressed with Mia Farrow either. This is the first of Allen's films I've seen her in, which doesn't bode well for the rest.

My other Netflix pick of the week was the second disc of the BBC miniseries Desperate Romantics. It tells the story of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood's private lives. I would say it was pretty good, but I thought it felt unbalanced. Millais was hardly in it at all, and I really got sick of Rossetti toward the end. The highlight for me was Rafe Spall as William Holman Hunt - Hunt, nicknamed "Maniac," seems to have been the most interesting personality, and Spall totally threw himself into it. He also stars in Hot Fuzz as DC Andy Cartwright, which I watched last night for about the millionth time. I actually upgraded my Hot Fuzz DVD to the 3-disc collector's edition yesterday, for two reasons: first, for the additional commentary tracks, including one with the actors who played the police, one with the older actors (i.e. Timothy Dalton and Edward Woodward), and one with Quentin Tarantino; and second, because the disc I have is actually worn out. There's about a three-minute stretch during the climactic model village scene where the sound doesn't work anymore. So I'm looking forward to getting that in the mail soon, and I'm sure Hot Fuzz will show up on next week's round-up, too.

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