September 17, 2010

Friday Round-Up

It's another one-movie week. This time: Repulsion, Roman Polanski's low-budget 1965 horror film. Catherine Deneuve gives one hell of a performance as Carol, who slowly slips into madness while her sister is away from the apartment on vacation. I'll tell you what, this is not a film to watch if you're a lady who lives alone. It freaked the hell out of me. Not just the hallucinations she has about attackers coming into her home, but everything: the isolation, the accumulating clutter and especially the eerily serene look on her face as she bludgeons Colin to death. I watched the featurette on the DVD about the making of the film, and it was interesting to hear about the low-budget effects. One thing I still can't figure out is the scene where she's looking at her reflection in the kettle - how come you can't see the camera reflected too? Pretty tricky, Roman.

This weekend will be the first installment of the Weekend Love Letter feature. What is that, you ask? I'm interested to find out myself. My intention is that it will be a short essay about something I love: an actor, a film, a scene, a line. It's just something to fill the gaps of the features I've had to semi-drop from the middle of the week. Should be fun.

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