July 24, 2010

From The Trenches: Top 10 Favorite Actors - Serkis & Thompson

Top 10 favorite actors, continued...

  • Andy Serkis
Long before Avatar, Andy Serkis started the dialogue for considering motion capture performances for major acting awards. And rightly so. While I found most of the Avatar performances to be cheesy and way over-the-top, Serkis did brilliant, subtle work in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, not to mention his underappreciated role in King Kong. Of course, he's also great in real-life roles - he was so much fun in 13 Going On 30, for example, and he held together the sloppy The Cottage. He has some real humdingers coming up: Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll, Burke & Hare, The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn (probably the most anticipated movie of my life) and, if it ever gets made, The Hobbit. I can't wait. 
Favorite role: Gollum in The Lord of the Rings

  • Emma Thompson
I'm not sure I can put into words what I love about Emma Thompson. I think it's this: even though she's a brilliant, talented, beautiful, multiple Oscar-winning star, she seems like someone you would know in real life. I'm thinking of Love Actually or her devastating performance in the TV movie Wit. By the time she's listening to her Joni Mitchell CD in the former or having The Runaway Bunny read to her in the latter, I'm a wreck; Thompson plays the scenes perfectly, but it's how relatable and raw she is that pushes them over the edge. She makes her characters real and believable in a way few actors really can. I think there's something particular about the way she delivers her lines - she's very careful and deliberate with her words, which makes it seem like she's actually thinking about what to say. When I heard that she was wearing a fat suit in Love Actually, I was completely amazed. It suddenly became clear to me that the whole thing wasn't real at all - obviously I know that Love Actually was not a documentary, but she sold the character so well that such a thing had never occurred to me. And then, on the other hand, she plays angels, wizards and whatever Nanny McPhee is. That's some range.
Favorite role: Vivian Bearing in Wit (TV)
(Branagh & Grant)
(Hepburn & Hoffman)
(Keaton & Lemmon)
(Posey & Rockwell)
(Serkis & Thompson)

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